Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Cold Comfort

Further to yesterday's low fat 'nibbles', I came across a cake recipe that uses no fat, and seems to be packed full of healthy ingredients, so hopefully will be of interest to many:
No need to bake - Fruit Cake:
1 small can evaporated milk
6 oz marshmallows
6 tblsp. orange juice
2 oz dates, chopped
6 oz raisins or sultanas
2 oz chopped walnuts
4 oz candied peel
2 oz glace cherries, chopped
1 lb biscuit crumbs, pref. digestive
1 tsp each cinnamon and mixed spice
Place marshmallows, evap.milk and orange juice in a pan, heat gently until the marshmallows have dissolved. Put all other ingredients into a large bowl and mix together.
Pour the marshmallow mix into the fruit mix and stir until well blended.
Put the mixture into a greased and lined 2 lb loaf tin. Press well down, cover with a lid of paper and then foil and put on a heavy weight and chill in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Turn out, remove paper and cut into slices.
Tip: As this makes a big cake, I suggest making half quantities and using a 1 lb loaf tin. The leftover evap. milk could be frozen for later use, or used up in a rice pudding. As long as the total weight of the fruit is the same, you can adjust using more of one and less of another if you wish.

Yesterday's intended supper of cold meats and salad was shelved due to the weather being so chilly. It seemed a bit unfair to serve cold meats and no 'hots'. Even so, I do tend to change my mind from day to day, regardless of the weather, I am not a creature of habit. Instead of the planned meal, I served up sausage, egg, baked beans, and chips. Much to Beloved's glee for he just LOVES that. And so do I.
We both had TOPud later, with cream, and I have to say it is one of the best puddings I have come across. It is amazingly filling, and as I said before, more than once, one 8" slab of pudding will cut into 12 portions. As I make it to freeze, I put a double helping of sauce on the top of the made pudding, before it is cooled, wrapped and frozen. Once solid, it fits well into the door shelf, standing on end. (No need to portion, it cuts easily enough). This means when a portion is put into a dish and microwaved (1 minute), there is no need to make extra sauce to pour on top.
Tip: When lining the tin for TOPs, make sure there is at least an inch of paper sticking up at each side, with no gaps in the corners, then when the topping is poured over, it keeps it in place. If the pudding is domed in the middle (as sometimes can happen) the sauce runs to the sides, so put half the sauce on first, then when that has set, pour on or spread the remainder over the centre.