Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Goode Enough to Eat - or not!

Tip: Our bodies will absorb more iron from food when taken with vitamin C. So drink a glass of orange juice at breakfast when planning to eat an egg.

Nearly had a panic attack yesterday when I was researching the best recipes to use for my forthcoming batch of Mean Cuisine dishes. Deep down inside me I was beginning to think I had bitten off more than I could chew, asking myself 'how long before the money runs out'? But suddenly realised that all the recipes served from four to six or even ten people. So with only two to feed, what had I got to worry about? Silly me.

Making the most of what you've got is always my aim. Here is a suggestion for a Posh Nosh Pudding that makes a little ice-cream go a long, long way.
Surprise, Surprise! (F)
Take an individual metal pudding container, or a tea-cup would do. Line with cling-film smoothing out creases. Get some slightly softened ice-cream and put a layer in the base and, using a knife, press a layer of ice-cream around the sides to leave a good gap in the middle. This you fill with grated chocolate and/or crushed meringue. Smooth over more ice-cream, and return to the freezer. Serve this Bombe (which is its correct name) unmoulded onto a plate or saucer, and peel away the cling-film. Fine as it is, but even better with chocolate sauce or whipped cream, or both. Rein me in somebody before I blow the budget!

Remember the Viennetta? (Does it have two 'n's? And does it even matter? - So easy to make your own. Lets call it -
The Evenbetta. (F)
When having egg whites to spare, make a meringue mix and spread this on parchment paper on a baking sheet, in strips (suggest 8" x 3"), about 1/4" thick. Dry out in a cooling oven and store in airtight tins until needed. Sandwich three strips together with layers of home-made ice-cream and softened ganache, or chocolate melted with a bit of butter. If a meringue layer has broken, use this for the middle bit. To serve, pipe with whipped cream and finish with a sprinkle of grated chocolate, or nuts, or both. Here I go again!
Tip: Ring the changes by using different flavoured ice-creams: mint, orange, coffee all go with chocolate. Or use a chocolate ice-cream with a white-chocolate sauce.

The Antarctic Roll: (F)
Make a shallow sponge cake in a swiss roll tin. Turn out and leave to cool. Pack some ice-cream into in a cylindrical tin (a clean baked bean tin with both ends removed?) and return to freezer until really solid. Cut a slice of cake the width of the tin and spread it with a thin layer of jam. Fetch the ice-cream, slightly warm the tin and slide out the ice-cream onto the front of the narrow end of the cake and immediately roll up until the cake meets itself. Cut the surplus cake away. Wrap the Roll tightly in cling-film and return to the freezer. Serve sliced.
Tip: Save any unused sponge cake to use in trifles etc. This can be frozen until needed.
Note: bread and plain (or jam-filled) sponge cake are probably the only foods that can be removed from the freezer, thawed and then re-frozen.